COBRAS LABs - Researching Online Constellations

In this challenging times several initiatives surface around Online Constellations. The COBRAS intent to research the aspects of Online Constellations in three open sessions. We will be working and testing the principles as described on

Each session has the goal to finish with shared learnings regarding Online Constellations. The learnings will be published after each session on There will be sessions on May 11, 18 and 25.

You are invited to participate. Attendance is free and limited to a total of 15 participants.

The Program

19.45 Online meeting open
20.00 Check in
20.20 Online Constellation
21.15 Harvest learnings
21.35 Report on learnings
22.00 End  

What do we expect from you?

  • Active participation

  • Prepare the set up of your system so we can work right away. Instructions will be included in the final invitation

  • No requirements regarding Systemic knowledge


LAB (1) – May 11th – sign up

LAB (2) – May 18th – sign up

LAB (3) – May 25th – sign up

COBRAS is an international network of systemic facilitators and consists currently of six members.

Jeroen Hermkens